This mechanic lets you place the battalions at your discretion near the signal fire building instead of having them spawn automatically. 10 brings 8 full level 2 battalions of the standard 4 types of signal fire unit (swordsman, axemen, pikes, archers). Now, the signal fires collect a “resource” every 60 seconds called a “signal rider.” the units can be bought once you have enough currency, 2 is the starting low value and 10 is the largest sum of riders that can be spent at once. Sadly, the timer-spawned units are not happening anymore. 4.4) after the god power additional battalion upgrade. Signal fires were totally overhauled, which made me sad since one of my favorite strategies was a spam with signal fire units (since they’re free in v.

That, in conjunction with the already existing reduction mechanic for cavalry through the farms, waging war with Gondor is fast and furious like I remember it being in the previous version of Edain, but even more so than before. That’s a 60 resource reduction on the cost of all units, if you are at the max number of houses built. There’s a new mechanic for the manor houses that gifts their elite unit cost reduction to regular infantry and archers, which causes a late-game surge when all the pieces fall into place. I do like this change though! Games feel more deliberate, less rush rush hasty. The resource penalties are higher, which draws out the time to collect resources and thus, things in the game take longer to unfold. This new restructuring paces the game significantly slower than it was in the previous iteration. Pop expansions are 200 cap for 500 resources, all the way up to 1500 – a reduction in cap from v. Upgrades tier at 1200 for level for level 3 (on castles, outposts and settlements separately). Econ buildings don’t deteriorate revenue based on how damaged they are (thank the maker). All new econ buildings take the global research level instead of needing to be leveled up once built. Now, however, pop cap is an incremental research option in the citadel (so resource buildings lost won’t shrink your cap), and econ upgrades are purchased at a forge or similar research building (in Gondor’s case, the Marketplace has been repurposed to do this). Previously, individual economy buildings had to be upgraded separately in order to accelerate the flow of resources and/or expand population cap. Gondor/Arnor being my favorite army, I will start the assessment with them: Importantly though, the patch re-invisions each faction to make them more unique, less exploitable and arguably much more fun overall. It adds new units and textures which are both visually pleasing. This patch constitutes a complete overhaul of several of the key gameplay mechanics such as economy and god powers. After 3 or so years of waiting, Edain Mod 4.4 graduated to 4.5 this last week and the fun has been a-flowing.